OLTREFRONTIERA PROGETTI SRL has decided to adopt a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System that meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and SA8000:2014 standards in order to achieve the following objectives.
THE MANAGEMENT is committed and requires the commitment of the entire organization to:
- ensure the implementation and maintenance of the company management system in compliance with ISO 9001: 2015, the coordination and cooperation of human resources;
- promote and support the process approach to achieve maximum results in terms of awareness, responsibility, reduction of the risk of non-compliance and the achievement of the objectives and targets set related to the performance of the processes and compliance of the goods and services provided;
- promote and support work in its noblest form of personal and social fulfillment of people, the sustainability and validity of the same, with a view to favorable inclusion in the company and in the economy;
- focus on the needs and requirements of the customer, monitor the return information and communicate to the organization the results and importance;
- monitor the mandatory requirements both related to the goods and services provided and to the management of the company;
- document, implement and maintain adequate procedures that define the company rules;
- ensure the availability of resources, human and infrastructural, monitor requirements / adequacy and any actions to meet their needs:
- establish and review, at the relevant levels and functions within the organization, the measurable objectives consistent with this policy, in terms of quality, safety, environmental prevention, social care;
- have internal audits planned and carried out and review the results;
- plan and conduct appropriate process review activities for
- verify its consistency with this policy and to ascertain its continued suitability;
- verify the status of preventive and corrective actions of competence;
- changes that could have an effect on the quality management system;
- ensure that this policy is effectively documented, implemented, kept active, communicated and made accessible in a form understandable to all staff and other collaborators and expose it in such a way that it is prominent and easily visible.
- ask its suppliers and partners to
- incorporate all the contents of this document and
- ensure that their management is in line with its contents;
- continuously improve the protection of the safety and health of workers by working to prevent accidents and illnesses at work;
- consider that the responsibility for defining and authorizing the policy for the S&SL is the responsibility of the highest management levels of the organization;
- define the general orientation to implement and improve the organization’s S&SL management system, so that it can maintain and improve its S&SL performance, prevent accidents and illnesses at work and continuously improve S&SL management and S&SL performance;
- support all staff to ensure that the S&SL management system is effective, that the best S&SL performance is achieved and that their continuous and proactive involvement in the development and application of this policy is crucial;
- prescribe that the founding values are the needs of the people working under its direction, the performance in the field of S&SL, past and present, the point of view of the interested parties;
- ensure that the organization’s S&SL Management System is appropriate to the nature and extent of its identified risks, require that company policy be followed and enforced to make the organization conform to future prospects, aligned with its mission, perspective and guide the definition of objectives;
- define that the scope of the scope for its S&SL management system is the company’s sites and considers that these constitute the framework within which to establish and review its S&SL objectives;
- comply with applicable regulatory obligations and other requirements that the organization subscribes to that relate to its dangers to S&SL;
- enable persons under the direction of the organisation to understand, by means of this document, the general commitment of the organisation and how this may affect their individual responsibilities;
- follow the evolution of legislation and social demands, consequently to review the policy and management system of the S&SL of the organization regularly to ensure their continuous adequacy and effectiveness;
- take into account that, in order to be adequate, the policy for S&SL may be linked with other general guidance documents of the organization and that it must comply with general business policies and with those relating to other management aspects, such as those concerning quality or the environment;
- keep the environmental review document up to date in order to assess the environmental impacts;
- keep under control all technical and organizational changes that may affect environmental impacts, in order to prevent negative and undesirable effects;
- define strategic objectives to continuously improve the protection of the environment, in particular to safeguard against the risk of accidents and to contain their potential effects;
- scrupulously respect, in principles and practical implementation, the laws and regulations relating to the prevention of accidents, as well as any commitments freely assumed in the field of environmental and safety at work;
- periodically review, by means of meetings with managers and planned reports, the state of implementation and effectiveness of the environmental management system, the achievement of the objectives and pre-established targets;
- comply with social responsibility and working conditions requirements in line with international SA 8000 standards and inform staff that it has been freely chosen;
- define and maintain updated and adequate a Code of Ethics document with which the management defines in detail the commitments and rules that it has set itself and that requires collaborators to respect;
- support and monitor suppliers and sub-suppliers so that they understand the requirements of social responsibility and undertake to comply with and implement them;
- comply with national and other applicable laws signed by the company, as well as to comply with international instruments (ILO conventions);
- review the policy regularly in order to continuously improve, taking into account changes in legislation, the requirements of its code of conduct and other requirements of the company to ascertain its continued suitability during management reviews;
- promote a correct policy of continuous improvement, with a view to defining the rules for increasing the company climate and periodically review its adequacy and effectiveness and compare performance with the required requirements;
- take into account the needs of the people working under his direction and the point of view of other stakeholders;
- review at least once a year the above objectives and plan appropriate corrective / improvement actions to achieve them.
The subjects to refer to in the business context are:
Workers’ representative: Massimiliano Ferrari, Franco Turati
Direction and RSQAS: Alba Natalia Caprino, Marco Boscolo
RLS: Franco Turati
RSPP: Matteo Bestetti
Certification Body: Bureau Veritas SpA – [email protected]
SAAS: [email protected]
The Management of OLTREFRONTIERA PROGETTI SRL is entrusted with the primary responsibility for the realization of the objectives previously indicated and the related actions necessary for the full achievement of the objectives themselves.
There, 23/03/2022
The Management